October 10, 2022

Data Transformation: The bedrock of business intelligence

Data Transformation: The bedrock of business intelligence

Organizations often have troves of data residing across multiple isolated systems. As the data grows, so does its power to provide business insights. Smaller data sets can be manually organized, not so much larger ones. In addition to handling many data sources, various data types must be addressed. Raw data is often messy and must be organized and understood before one can harness its value. Companies spend a good amount of time grappling with the underlying complexities. Machine learning offers multiple ways to classify large amounts of data. Clustering takes in large amounts of data and organizes them at scale. ML can be leveraged to generate taxonomy as well. Harnessing the power of data transformation ensures businesses are no longer held hostage to the limitations imposed by siloed data and legacy platforms.

ElectrifAi’s DataAi: Infusing data insights in every decision & process

ElectrifAi creates robust machine learning-powered ETL pipelines to classify and categorize unstructured, structured, and scattered data to deliver insights valuable to the business. The product uses the power of NLP and builds taxonomies. The self-learning system picks up the changes to the incoming real-world data and adapts accordingly. Intelligent data transformation boosts efficiency, reduces costs, and saves time while increasing the accuracy of the outcomes. Furthermore, it integrates seamlessly with a rule-based approach to further fine-tune the accuracy.

ElectrifAi’s ML-based data transformation product enables scaling without sacrificing accuracy. For example, a top fortune five company was losing millions of dollars annually due to a lack of supplier visibility. They had, in many cases, up to a dozen or more different names for the same vendor due to key-in errors and a lack of standardization. No system was in place to capture name changes or ownership and assignment changes resulting from M&A. ElectrifAi’s product normalized the name to a single entity, allowing the client to know the total spend with each unique vendor. The spend visibility increased the negotiating leverage resulting in better rates, deeper discounts, and better terms.


ElectrifAi: US' leading ML products provider

ElectrifAi is one of the US' leading ML products providers, with an extensive library of pre-built ML products enabling our clients to capture tangible benefits quickly. We work with the C-suite to understand and solve business problems through data and machine learning in diverse industries such as Higher Ed, BFSI, Life Sciences, Hospitality, Retail, Chemicals, Oil & Gas, Telecom, Insurance, etc. The insights generated by our ML products, such as ContactCenterAi, ReputationAi, InventoryOptimizationAi, RevCaptureAi and other products, have helped our clients realize consequential business outcomes in 6-8 weeks.

Our product does not require investment in a new platform or infrastructure. Instead, we leverage the data existing in your system to power the ML models to deliver business outcomes.

We are the last-mile product that sits on the top to solve specific business problems and bring about savings. Contact us to learn more!