November 10, 2022

Supercharge your customer acquisition and retention strategy with the power of data

There is no dearth of data in the telecom landscape. Customer info, call details, network inventory, server logs, billing, customer support… the list goes on. But buried underneath the stockpiles of data are hidden gems of insights that have the power to drive better efficiencies, reduce operational costs, optimize operations and boost growth. So, the question is – how can telecoms unlock the voluminous amount of data to unravel the right actionable insight?

With the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), telecoms can now analyze, transform and categorize data—at scale—to solve complex business problems. By combining disparate data sources, they can now draw valuable insights to stay ahead of the ever-changing customer dynamics. Prebuilt machine learning products can boost your capabilities to maximize customer satisfaction, value and retention to minimize overall churn and accelerate revenue generation.

Sounds exciting? Here’s how ElectrifAi helped a leading telecom provider understand their customers comprehensively, activate new subscribers, mitigate churn, grow their share of spend, and drive incremental revenue purchases.

Transforming churn into growth—the ElectrifAi way!

Key Challenges

Our telecom client lacked visibility into customer experience trends and use of siloed data insights resulted in ineffective retention programs and a continued lack of understanding of customer needs. The client wanted to address customer lifecycle challenges to differentiate customer acquisition and retention.

Our Products in Action

ElectrifAi ML-powered product with common data models and intelligence layers scaled across the client’s different marketing use cases. We created a test—and—learn capability that enabled the client to identify where the customer is at along their journey, measure the effectiveness of different offers through insights provided. In addition, we deployed an on-premise product with the flexibility to migrate to the cloud.

Business Impact

ElectrifAi’s product linked, transformed, and stitched together 4,000+ signals using over 90+ models to provide a 360° behavioral view of every subscriber over the entire lifecycle. Data integration across 2,500 data fields of both first and third-party data. The product resulted in $130M in incremental annual revenues, $70M through incremental lines added, $50M in incremental revenue through rate plan/feature upgrade campaigns and $10M from churn saves.

ElectrifAi: US' leading ML products provider

ElectrifAi is one of the US' leading ML products providers, with an extensive library of pre-built ML products enabling our clients to capture tangible benefits quickly. We work with the C-suite to understand and solve business problems through data and machine learning in diverse industries such as Business Services, Higher Ed, Hospitality, Retail, TMT, Manufacturing and more. The insights generated by our ML products, such as ContactCenterAi, ReputationAi, InventoryOptimizationAi, RevCaptureAi and other products have helped our clients realize consequential business outcomes rapidly.

Our product does not require investment in a new platform or infrastructure. Instead, we leverage the data existing in your system to power the ML models to deliver business outcomes.

We are the last-mile product that sits on the top to solve specific business problems and bring about savings. Contact us to learn more!